And you had to take the name so that SP's not-actually-volume-8 couldn't have it? This is [deposited fecal defecation].
And you had to take the name so that SP's not-actually-volume-8 couldn't have it? This is [deposited fecal defecation].
Well, that was full of bad puns. I'll tell you what it wasn't full of: music. That made it awkward and led to massive quantities of "meh".
Well done, Waximus prime.
Turned out well, as expected. Thanks for giving us moar tahme!
Unoriginal and Poorly Done
All of the art in here is either copied and pasted, traced, poorly drawn, or a combination of the last two. Interactivity is minimal, as the menus do absolutely nothing, giving you only one attack option. The fighting environments (particularly the one in Knuckles VS. Shadow) are poorly done and out of perspective. A very generic typeface is used for "menu" navigation within the "game". The sound quality is low and is ridden with overused and generic sound effects. The grammar also borders on pathetic.
That was a fake santa, anyways.
Shadow can smoke. the ultimate life form doesn't get cancer.
Excellent animation and sense of humor, as I would expect from such popular animators.
I can see why this took two years.
Very well done, Conte. Sorry I didn't comment before; I hadn't made an account yet. The animation was very well done, and it was filled with a plenitude of cameos and spoofs.
Software Engineer
Joined on 2/15/11